

pip install bugzscout

# Or, with easy_install:
easy_install bugzscout

# Or, from source:
python install

Getting Started

>>> import bugzscout
>>> b = bugzscout.BugzScout('http://fogbugz/scoutSubmit.asp',
>>> b.submit_error('An error occurred of type blah', extra='Extra info')

Command Line Interface

There is a command line interface for submitting errors. To simplify submitting multiple errors, the FogBugz configuration can be set in the environment.

# (Optional) Setup the environment.
export BUGZSCOUT_URL=http://fogbugz/scoutSubmit.asp
export BUGZSCOUT_USER=errors
export BUGZSCOUT_PROJECT='My Project'
export BUGZSCOUT_AREA=Errors

# Submit a new error.
bugzscout --extra 'Extra data for the case...' 'The description of the error.'

Publishing Errors Asynchronously with Celery

The Celery extension can be used to asynchronously publish errors. This is the recommended pattern for using bugzscout in production environments.

# Import celery extension.
import bugzscout.ext.celery_app

# Submit errors asynchronously.
  'The description here...',
  extra='The extra information here...')

The Celery worker can use the same celery app for consuming messages.

celery worker --app=bugzscout.ext.celery_app

A file on the PYTHONPATH can be used to configure the celery instance. For example:

export CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE=celeryconfig
celery worker --app=bugzscout.ext.celery_app

Project Versions

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